Are you thinking about buying, selling, developing your facility, but don’t know where to begin? NAI Advent can provide your company with complete analyses of market conditions critical to your decision-making processes.
NAI Advent is a licensed commercial brokerage offering a full range of services for private and institutional investors, developers, landlords, tenants and owner users. The NAI Advent team has extensive experience in the leasing, selling and purchasing of all types of commercial properties.
Industrial Representation
Industrial clientele include privately and publicly owned companies, local, national and international corporations, institutional owners, private investors and developers. While tracking more than 170,000,000 square feet of Industrial space NAI Advent is able to find not only the best fit but also the best value for its clients.
Retail Representation
The foundation of NAI Advent is based on service. We pride ourselves on continually exceeding our clients’ expectations through a superb demonstration of technology, market knowledge, research, and the active participation of each member of the Retail Team.
Vacant Land
Whether you require a small lot for your facility or a raw land for an office or industrial park, a large retail center, or a residential development, NAI Advent knows how to get your plans off the ground.
NAI Advent offers a wide variety of services for office users and investors. Our professional staff currently tracks over 15,000,000 square feet of office space throughout the Greater Calgary area.
Consulting Services
Are you thinking about buying, selling, developing your facility, but don’t know where to begin? NAI Advent can provide your company with complete analyses of market conditions critical to your decision-making processes.
Multi-Family | Apartments | Land
We have one OBJECTIVE for our clients and prospective clients. ADD VALUE to their real estate and ADD VALUE to their real estate experience.